Kim’s Book List
I often quote from or mention books that are in my personal library during our trainings. The books listed below are my favorites and have been used, loaned, and replaced many times over. Many of them were, and still are considered groundbreaking works. Where appropriate, I’ve mentioned it. Using the book covers, we’ve provided links to and we also mention where we have some copies available for sale. Feel free to call us at 905-727-4676.
The Sevenfold Journey
by Anodea Judith & Selene Vega
The most complete volume of physical movement, chakra learning and practical working with the chakras that I’ve found so far and the main text for the Journey of Truth Program®. It includes how to arrange an alter for each chakra as well as meditations and exercises.
Anatomy of the Spirit
by Caroline Myss
The groundbreaking text that links all the main religions with the chakras and their physical-emotional-mental patterns. A must have for any serious student of healing and body wisdom. Also a required text for the Journey of Truth Program®.
Children’s Spiritual Development
Mountains, Meadows and Moonbeams
by Mary Summer Rain
Stories, myths and exercises that develop creativity, intuition and an understanding of Mother Earth. Fun and practical. The pictures are great for colouring as well.
The Little Soul and the Sun
by Neal Donald Walsh
A fabulous story that speaks to how special we all are and describes our Soul Mission too. The illustrations are beautiful. It makes for a perfect gift.
Children & Energy
The Indigo Children
by Lee Caroll & Jan Tober
An insightful and practical look at the ADD/ADHD phenomenon. Learn the gifts that come with this ‘wiring’ and a more holistic look at some solutions.
Raising Psychic Children
by James Twyman
A beautiful approach to looking at our ADD/ADHD and autistic syndromes. Addresses the sensitive child and gives alternate views on the challenges and gifts that these children bring to our families. We have copies available for sale.
Energy Healing
Hands of Light
by Barbara Ann Brennan
Light Emerging
by Barbara Ann Brennan
The Hands of Light books are still some of the best books for teaching the components of healing through the human energy field. The illustrations are groundbreaking and the step-by-step approach is very informative. These books are required reading for many hands-on-healing programs. These books are meant to be companion texts to the actual training only.
Alchemical Healing
by Nicki Scully
In twenty-five years of research this book comes closest to the Ancient Egyptian energetic healing. This is Spiritual Alchemy at it’s most hands-on. Also includes many of the initiation meditations.
Epigenetics (& DNA Programming)
The Biology of Belief
by Dr. Bruce Lipton
The groundbreaking work by geneticist and medical school teacher Bruce Lipton. Your environment and your beliefs govern your DNA. Epigenetics shows the flexibility of your genetic map and how to influence it.
The God Code
by Gregg Braden
Our DNA itself is in a structure, and that structure contains a message. A fascinating blend of ancient wisdom and modern science.
Modern Hypnosis
by Masud Ansari
Covers resistances, different induction techniques, and hypnosis for self-learning.
Kabbala (Tree of Life)
The Mystical Qabalah
by Dion Fortune
Anything written by Dion Fortune is a must in my library! Although the language is older in this book, it is still the most revealing and informative book I’ve ever worked with. Every time I read it (and that’s often over twenty years) a new connection pops in. Required reading for our Mystery School students.
Empowering Your Life with Kabbalah
by Jonathan Sharp
A modern easy to read and practical approach to pathworking on the Tree of Life. No dogma – just practical how-to’s. Required reading for our Mystery School students.
by Delores Ashcroft-Nowicki
One of the first books to reveal the meditations and initiations of the Paths on the Tree. Each Path has a Hebrew letter, a tarot Major Arcana and several exercises. Also a required text for our Mystery School students.
Mind-Body Healing
Quantum Healing
by Deepak Chopra
The groundbreaking book that started it all by scientifically proving the mind-body connection. Also defines the regeneration rates of different parts of the body and addresses how the system works as a whole.
Grow Younger, Live Longer
by Deepak Chopra
A week by week, step by step program to halt, reduce, or seemingly reverse the aging process! Your body listens to you, learn how to speak to it and work with it to get results!
Heal Your Body
by Louise L. Hay
The groundbreaking book that connects physical dis-ease and injury to specific mental and emotional patterns, and provides the mantra to shift those patterns. A must have for the serious student!
Myths & Archetypal Wisdom
The Power of Myth
by Joseph Campbell
This book is also a video and PBS documentary with Bill Moyers. Joseph Campbell had a tremendous impact on my understanding of the Collective Unconscious, and how information is stored and transmitted through it. A truly fascinating work.
Women Who Run With the Wolves
by Clarissa Pinkola Estes
Pick the fairy tale that currently appeals to you in the book, and Dr. Estes will show you how it is a hidden map with step by step instructions through whatever challenge is currently before you. Fascinating, empowering and juicy with information.
The Crone: Women of Age, Wisdom and Power
by Barbara Walker
This groundbreaking work reintroduced us all to the Goddess Archetype and the wisdom it carries. Specifically this book addresses the most powerful aspect of the Goddess – the aspect that religions tried to suppress for years – The Crone.
A powerful read.
by Ted Andrews
This book sits on the bookshelf next to my bed so that I can reach it while I am still rubbing sleep from my eyes. If you work with animals, or totemic energy, this is the ultimate compendium.
Medicine Woman
by Lynn V. Andrews
Some say this book and series is fictional, some say autobiographical. Either way it is one of the most inspiring ventures into Native wisdom that was seen for some time.
Touching Spirit Bear
by Ben Mikaelsen
A fabulous story for teens. In the story tribal law is applied to a situation with some violent youth offenders. Informative and beautiful. I think it should be mandatory reading in the high schools.
Neuro Anatomy (Brain, Memory & Learning)
My Stroke of Insight: A Brain Scientist’s Personal Journey
by Jill Bolte Taylor
Journey with Jill Bolte Taylor, a brain scientist, as she gives you the play by play of her own stroke and recovery, from the inside out. Along the way Jill stumbles into Nirvana and comes face to face with big mystical experiences that change her forever. Recently seen on Oprah and the talks too.
The Brain That Changes Itself
by Norman Doidge 2007
Brain plasticity. Read the stories of how injured brains can be taught to rewire themselves. Any part of your brain can do almost anything!
NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming)
The Structure of Magic
by Richard Bandler & John Grinder
The map is not the territory. In this groundbreaking work the structure of language and communication is explored, as well as it’s applications for therapy.
The Structure of Magic II
by Richard Bandler & John Grinder
More maps for the territory! Explores the different representational systems, strategies and logic. Also addresses concepts like “cause & effect”, and well-formedness conditions.
Personal Growth
A New Earth
by Eckhart Tolle
The current bestseller on awareness and ego. New spins on old truths, and it seems to be accessible for most people.
The line goes: If you read it and you get it, you were ready. If not wait a while and come back to it.
Jonathan Livingston Seagull
by Richard Bach
I love Richard Bach. In this short, yet endearing story of a seagull, we journey on the metaphor of soul growth, reincarnation and quantum reality.
The Pilgrimage
by Paulo Coelho
Anything by Paulo Coelho is a personal must have for me. In The Pilgrimage the characters undertake an ancient mystical journey, in modern times, to find their power. If you had your power, what would you do with it?
The Power of Intention
by Wayne Dyer
“Intention is everything”, as we always say. This book is an easy to read exploration of this topic and technique for creation.
Quantum Physics
The Mind of God
by Paul Davies
Paul Davies applies science to attempt to prove that existence and God actually exist. A great twist to the usual polarity. I like that science and spirit were in the same place in this book.
Quantum A Guide for the Perplexed
by Jim Al-Khalili
The major quantum science experiments in a prettily illustrated, simply explained book. A great book for the curious minded.
The Tenth Dimension
by Bob Bryanton
Mind blowing. A quantum exploration of multi-dimensional reality. I suggest watching the video on his site first!
The Bridge Across Forever
by Richard Bach
If you are looking for your Soulmate, you’ll want to read this book. It took my breath away in the 80’s when I read it, and it confirmed that I did know my Soulmate was out there. For those of you who are wondering, yes I did find him and we are together still.
Men are From Mars, Women Are From Venus
by John Gray
Be prepared to laugh your way into understanding the different sexes. This series also came out on video and is as much stand up comedy as it is educational. Thank you Dr. Gray.
by Richard Bach
What if all time was now, and all realities are One? This is plainly a great read. It is also the book that started me on my quantum physics journey.
Spiritual Growth
Love Without Conditions
by Paul Ferrini
Each chapter is an easy to read lesson on today’s topics that will spin your world. What if all our spiritual leaders (Christ, Buddha, Lao Tzu etc.) were all different incarnations of the same message? How would they coach you through today’s challenges.
Conversations With Go
by Neal Donald Walsh
A fabulous series. Groundbreaking. Interesting. A fabulous read. I like the middle one the best, but they are all very good.
The Celestine Prophecy
by James Redfield
This” Indiana Jones meets mystical truths” adventure will take you through South America and into hidden choices for spiritual advancement on the planet today. Also includes some wonderful meditations and exercises given in story form.
The Prophet
by Kahlil Gibran
Timeless and beautiful. This poetry filled book is filled with hidden treasures and beautiful messages.
Tantra (White & Red)
The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Tantric Sex
by Judith Kuriansky
I laughed, and then I bought it. We always have this on hand when we teach the second chakra in the Journey of Truth®. A great overview.
Red Hot Tantra
by David Ramsdale & Cynthia W. Gentry
Very hot tantra stories. This book is of the red path and so is less technical. It is taught in short story format.
The Art of Sexual Ecstasy
by Margo Anand
Still the standard in the field. The first half is theory, the second half exercises. A very powerful book for awakening your kundalini energy.
A Witches’ Bible
by Janet & Stewart Farrar
Ground breaking. One of the first to break the Oath of Silence, and the only book so far without any intentional or unintentional double blinds. A practical look at the Wheel of the Year, and some of the Celtic ceremonies involved. A fabulous history as well about our common holidays and traditions.
Teen Witch
by Silver Ravenwolf
She’s a mom and she’s an esteemed author and a witch. After all the silly Hollywood movies, this is a great book to leave on the table for teens. The first chapter is for parents and sets up this gentle, Earth and Goddess centred tradition as an empowering way for teens to explore who they are.
The Spiral Dance
by Starhawk
One of the originals! Be warned that although this book is a treasure of information, it is not very male friendly.The exercises for psychic development are still used in most places, and I suggest it for all libraries – take the good, and leave the politics.